On May 23, policymakers, practitioners and researchers met for the fourth International Expert Forum (IEF) in New York.
More than 40 participants from various UN agencies and the Secretariat, multilateral and regional organizations, think tanks, universities, and research institutes came together for the forum, entitled “Peacebuilding and Post-Conflict Recovery.”
The aim of the roundtable was to discuss the recent developments and research findings within the field of peacebuilding. Democratization, transitional justice and economic recovery were some of the major issues that were addressed during the meeting. The participants also highlighted the political nature of peacebuilding and the need for external interveners and local actors to work together closely in order to achieve sustainable results.
IEF is a cooperative initiative by the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA), the International Peace Institute (IPI), The SecDev Group and the Zentrum fur International Friedenseinsätze Berlin (ZIF) and promotes the exchange between practitioners and researchers working on peace and security.
Read about the first forum: Preventive Diplomacy: What Works and What Doesn’t
Read about the second forum: Mitigating the Consequences of Violent Conflict: What Works and What Does Not?
Read about the third forum: Peacekeeping Operations and the Durability of Peace: What Works and What Does Not?