With a growing number of UN staff working on a widening array of tasks in environments that are ever more challenging and complex, the need for effective and efficient management of peace operations is evident. Yet since 2000, when the UN started introducing reforms to strengthen its capacity to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations, few scholars and practitioners have focused on the contribution that the theory and practice of management can make to peacekeeping.
The Management of UN Peacekeeping fills this gap in the literature by bringing the insights of organization and public administration theories to the analysis and enhancement of complex peace operations. Focusing on three essential and interrelated aspects of organizations—coordination, learning, and leadership—the authors bridge the gap between research on UN peacekeeping and the realities confronted both in the office and in the field.
While the contributions in the volume highlight the value added that organization theory and public administration lenses bring the enhancement of peace operations, the analysis also sheds light on the limits imposed on effective management by the politicization of international organizations at both the headquarters and field levels.
The Management of UN Peacekeeping is a joint project of the International Peace Institute and the University of Konstanz, published by Lynne Rienner Press.
See more about the book from Lynne Rienner Press.
- Foreword—Terje Rød-Larsen
- The Management of UN Peacekeeping—J. Junk and F. Mancini
- Coordination, Learning, and Leadership: Challenges of Peace Operations—W. Seibel, J. Junk, T. Blume, and E. Schöndorf
- Coordination and Networks—A. Herrhausen
- Network and Transaction Cost Theories: Lessons from Bosnia-Herzegovina—M. Lipson
- Peace Operations as Temporary Network Organizations—J. Raab and J. Soeters
- Integrated DDR: Lessons for Coordination in Peace Operations?—T. Pietz
- The Elusive Coherence of Building Peace—C. de Coning
- The Coherence Conundrum in Peace Operations—A. Bhattacharjee
- Organizational Learning and Peace Operations—A.B. Antal, J. Junk, and P. Schumann
- Learning and Identity in the Field—M. Mai, R. Klimecki, and S. Döring
- Bureaucracy and Learning at Headquarters—T. Benner, S. Mergenthaler, and P. Rotmann
- Organizational Change in International Bureaucracies—M. Bauer, H. Jörgens, and C. Knill
- Leadership in Organizations: A Review—S. Börner
- Leadership the United Nations: A Secretary or a General?—S. Chesterman and T.M. Franck.
- Leading Peace Operations: The Special Representatives of the UN Secretary-General—M. Fröhlich
- Role Models of Leadership in Peace Operations: Lessons from Kosovo—F. Trettin
- Linking Coordination, Learning, and Leadership—F. Mancini and J. Junk