Over the past few years, the world has been confronted with a series of crises that have challenged perceptions of global stability. Whether a moment of high risk or great opportunity, this is without a doubt a moment of growing complexity. More actors, institutions, and networks of interests are engaged in the international sphere than ever before.
This policy paper explores three groups of these actors: regional organizations; civil society and NGOs; and the private sector. It also asks how the UN can better leverage relations with and among these actors for a more efficient and legitimate multilateral system. Based on extensive consultations with representatives of states, various UN entities, and civil society, as well as subject-matter experts, this paper details recommendations laid out in the ICM’s final report, published in September 2016. These include to:
- Set out a strategic vision for UN partnerships;
- Strengthen UN partnerships with regional organizations, especially the African Union;
- Build and sustain civil society involvement in the UN; and
- Create new platforms for UN engagement with the private sector.
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