2024: The Turning Point for Innovative Financing and Solidarity Levies?

Event Video 

IPI, Oxford Climate Policy, and the Global Solidarity Levies Task Force cohosted a closed-door, roundtable discussion on September 27th on the topic of “2024: The Turning Point for Innovative Financing and Solidarity Levies?”

We are at an inflection point in the long battle for new global taxes for sustainable development and climate change. All major IFA reform agendas promote the use of new taxes and levies to fund climate and development. With COP29 around the corner, this event presented the work of the Task Force, including the aviation levy, and encouraged a candid discussion on the way forward to increase momentum in adopting some of these innovative sources of funding in the near future.

The first portion of the discussion was on the record and the public remarks are shared here. The subsequent roundtable discussion was held under Chatham House Rule and attended by member states, philanthropies, NGOs, multilateral organizations, and critical civil society leaders. These thought leaders and negotiators in climate change and international taxation engaged in a frank and creative exchange of views seeking practical next steps to implementing international solidarity frameworks.

Ms. Jimena Leiva Roesch, Director of Global Initiatives, International Peace Institute

Key remarks ahead of round table discussion:
Ms. Laurence Tubiana, CEO, European Climate Foundation
Mr. Ali Mohamed, Climate Change Envoy, Kenya
Prof. Benito Müller, Managing Director, Oxford Climate Policy