The Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Section of the UN Department of Peace Operations’ (DPO) Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI) and IPI cohosted a film screening of the documentary There Is Another Way followed by…
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In 2015 (continued…)
A panel of academics, experts, and policy-makers considered the next generation of peace and security challenges at this year’s International Expert Forum (IEF) on governance, peacebuilding, and state-society relations, part of IEF’s series on 21st-century peacebuilding.Gert Rosenthal, Chair of the UN Advisory Group of Experts on Review of Peacebuilding Architecture, said UN reform would be […]
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A panel of experts in drug control policy examined the interactions between sustainable development and the world drug problem at an IPI panel, “Debating the Intersection between the Sustainable Development Agenda (SDGs) and United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) 2016” on November 16th, 2015.The meeting, co-organized with the Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum (CPPF), […]
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A panel of practitioners explored the complex relationship between UN peacekeeping and medical services at an IPI panel, “Healing or Harming? United Nations Peacekeeping and Health.” The November 12th event also marked the launch of an IPI report of the same name.Health emergencies, like the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, present particular challenges for UN peace […]
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Steven Lee Myers, author of a new biography, The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin, told an IPI audience that the Russian leader’s aggressive international posture is motived by his belief that he must protect Russia from outside forces.Mr. Myers said that Putin believes “that there are forces—and by that he means […]
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Ambassadors, military advisors, and members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) secretariat discussed the future of peace operations at an IPI Vienna roundtable. The November 5th informal brainstorming session drew thirty participants and focused on peace operations in the OSCE area.
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