The Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Section of the UN Department of Peace Operations’ (DPO) Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI) and IPI cohosted a film screening of the documentary There Is Another Way followed by…
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In 2019 (continued…)
Over the past 12 years, the Sierra Leone civil society organization Fambul Tok, its US-based funder and partner Catalyst for Peace, and the people of the country have created an admired model infrastructure that puts people and communities at the center of peace and development. The emerging program has helped Sierra Leone build national capacity […]
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Women’s rights are increasingly facing pushback with global trends towards populism and shifting centers of power. This pushback is also occurring at a time when preparations are being made to mark the anniversaries of key international commitments to women’s rights in 2020, including the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and Security Council Resolution 1325 […]
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“We see the promotion of human rights and development not as separate goals but as mutually enforcing objectives,” said Ine Eriksen Søreide, the Norwegian Foreign Minister, introducing the 12th annual Trygve Lie Symposium, co-sponsored by IPI and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and focused this year on Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda for […]
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On September 25th, 2019, the governments of Finland, Indonesia, Rwanda, and Uruguay, and IPI co-organized the seventh annual ministerial dinner on United Nations peace operations on the sidelines of the 74th annual UN General Assembly debate. The dinner was attended by foreign ministers and high-level delegates from capitals representing member states; the UN Under-Secretary-General for […]
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Two foreign ministers recently took issue with the currently fashionable notion that patriotism and multilateralism are incompatible. The exchange took place during an IPI high-level panel on multilateral engagement for peace and security by small and medium states.“I think you can be a patriot and a multilateralist at the same time, and small states actually […]
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