At COP29, DanChurchAid, Oxford Climate Policy (OCP), and the International Peace Institute (IPI) hosted a side event titled “Innovative Sources for Loss and Damage Funding: Introducing the Climate Solidarity Alliance” on November 15th.The event explored…
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In 2010
The Security Council first addressed the issue of protection in 1999. The debate came at the end of a period in which peacekeepers were impotent witnesses to the immense suffering of civilians in violent conflict, including those in Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina.The concept of robust peacekeeping emerged in response to these failures, as some […]
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Two IPI opinion polls find Iranians want nuclear arms, Lebanese are critical of Hezbollah stances, Palestinians are hopeful, and Israelis, anxious.(The poll results on Iranian opinions is directly below. Click here to jump to the poll results on Lebanon, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories) Read the questions asked in the pollPoll #1: IPI Iran Poll […]
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With five new non-permanent members—Colombia, Germany, India, Portugal, and South Africa—set to join the Security Council in January 2011, fresh perspectives and priorities are likely to shape the Security Council’s efforts to counter global terrorism and violent extremism.On December 7, 2010, the International Peace Institute hosted a closed-door roundtable to examine the role of the […]
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The International Peace Institute, in partnership with the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre (PPC), has just begun a series of events to bring together existing, emerging, and potential troop- and police-contributing countries in an informal setting to allow for an open and candid exchange of experiences. The first meeting in the series, called Being a Peacekeeper: The […]
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What would it take to achieve a lasting international peace?Immanuel Kant asked this question over 200 years ago in his essay “Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch,” where he effectively anticipated multilateral institutions like the United Nations and the European Union.On November 16th, experts on peace including Robert Jervis, Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Affairs […]
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