The Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Section of the UN Department of Peace Operations’ (DPO) Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI) and IPI cohosted a film screening of the documentary There Is Another Way followed by…
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IPI in partnership with Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA, cohosted a policy forum on “National Action Plans for National Challenges: Addressing Environmental Crises through the WPS Agenda” on October 24th.The women, peace, and security (WPS) agenda has recently expanded to include issues outside of “traditional conflict,” such as climate change and environmental disasters. As the agenda […]
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On October 14th, IPI President Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein delivered the Peace Message at the Opening Ceremony of the 11th annual Geneva Peace Week at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva, Switzerland. This year’s theme was “What is Peace?” Speakers and participants sought to unravel the essence of peace and discover new pathways towards […]
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There are growing calls to transform the multilateral system, which is widely seen as being in crisis. Yet solving the crisis of multilateralism requires understanding what that crisis entails. What parts of the multilateral system are in crisis, and what parts are still functioning? Where is commitment to multilateralism flagging, and where does it remain […]
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On October 8th, IPI in partnership with the Permanent Mission of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the UN, cohosted a special preview screening of THE VETO, a short documentary film, followed by a panel discussion.For close to eighty years, the UN Security Council’s permanent member veto power has been the subject of constant debate, both […]
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