IPI President Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein spoke to the UN Security Council as part of an open debate convened by Slovenia entitled “Strengthening UN Peacekeeping: Reflections for the Future” on September 9, 2024.In his remarks, President Zeid…
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In a turbulent world of restless publics, faltering economies, widening cleavages, and vast international transformations, where does the United nations fit?What have been the consequences for the UN of the profound transformations the world has undergone since its creation in 1945? Can it meet the challenges posed by an increasingly turbulent world? And can the […]
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This book calls attention to the stark reality that international relief efforts are frequently threatened, despite international conventions and widespread public opinion, by the same lack of security that produces the need for such aid in the first place.The most recent example of this is the spectre of 1.5 million Kurds fleeing Saddam hussein’s repression […]
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The 1988 Nobel Peace Prize has thrown into sharp relief the significant role United Nations’ peacekeepers have played on the international stage since the first operation 40 years ago.This revealing volume takes stock of our peacekeeping past and present and considers its future. It gives an insider’s look at management and financing issues, the views […]
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This pioneering study searches for avenues of collaboration between peacekeepers and humanitarian relief workers.Individually, the problems of each have been widely scrutinized, but the relationship between them has not. This work evaluates the potential of utilizing the time-proven art of peacekeeping in the support of oft-beleaguered and frustrated humanitarian relief efforts during armed conflicts. The […]
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