On October 26th, IPI in partnership with the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the UN and the Government of Finland, and in collaboration with the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, cohosted a policy forum entitled “Youth Leaders on Peace and Climate Action: Priorities for COP27.”From the Fridays for Future movement […]
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Youth movements have played an increasingly prominent role in calling for action to address climate change. Many youth-led organizations from around the world are also engaged in initiatives to build peace and prevent violence in their communities. Overall, however, young people remain at the fringe of policymaking. They are usually sidelined rather than systematically included in decision-making fora, dialogues, and negotiations.
Since 2020, IPI has been working to understand and address the intersection between youth, peace, and climate action through research, outreach, and convening. This project aims to build synergies and connections between the youth, peace, and security and the climate action agendas and to foster more meaningful engagement with youth leaders on peace and climate governance. It also aims to conduct evidence-based research on the impact of climate change on youth and the agency of youth in responding to climate-related risks and challenges.
News, Events, Publications
Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement, young people have emerged as a powerful force calling for transformative change on climate action. The United Nations’ “Youth 2030 Strategy” calls for expanded and systematic youth engagement in all arenas, and the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the UN recognizes that “youth is the missing piece […]
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