In this interview, Amgad Fareid Eltayeb, Executive…
Support to C-34 Committee Annual Field Visit
The UN General Assembly’s Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (C-34) comprises 155 member states representing all major stakeholders that support UN peacekeeping operations. To help familiarize member-state delegates with the issues and challenges facing contemporary peacekeeping operations, Canada, in its role as vice-chair of C-34 and chair of the committee’s Working Group of the Whole, has in recent years organized an annual field visit. This visit enables participating delegates to see missions firsthand and to directly engage with peacekeeping leadership, personnel, and other stakeholders. The costs of participating in the annual field visit are borne by participants’ respective governments. IPI is currently working with the Government of Canada to establish a travel fund to increase the participation of delegates from all parts of the world in the field visit. IPI has assisted by selecting delegates for the financial award, managing the travel fund, participating in the annual field visit, and preparing a summary report following its conclusion. As part of this project, IPI will follow the work of the C-34 Committee during its annual substantive session.