IPI’s protection of civilians (POC) program, launched in December 2017, focuses on issues related to the protection of civilians in the context of UN peace operations. Through this program, IPI supports the UN Secretariat in analyzing the challenges facing peace operations mandated to protect civilians and adapting policy and practice to improve the delivery of POC mandates. Since 2021, IPI has been examining protection efforts beyond the Department for Peace Operations (DPO), including the role of special political missions in protection and priorities for the UN Agenda for Protection.

IPI provides a space to gather member states, UN officials from headquarters and field missions, and researchers to build a common understanding of POC in the context of UN peace operations and across the UN system. Through research, convening, and outreach activities, IPI’s POC project seeks to provide lessons learned from the field and support the Secretariat in analyzing the challenges facing the UN system in:

  1. Fulfilling its protection mandates, including in peace operations and beyond;
  2. Leveraging its capacity to support protection actors in various contexts; and
  3. Developing a coherent institutional approach to protection.

IPI has published numerous issue briefs and policy papers on specific POC challenges, policy issues, and country-specific situations. Topics of recent publications have included UN peacekeeping and protection of civilians from sexual and gender-based violence; policy, strategic, and operational priorities for the UN Agenda for Protection; EU, UN, and NATO approaches to POC; and fighters.