Youssef Mahmoud talks about the UN’s upcoming Summit of the Future and its Pact as it relates to people and the planet,…
Staff Aparajita Rao
Aparajita (Pari) Rao is the Program Administrator for Peace, Climate and Sustainable Development at the International Peace Institute. She is based in New York, where she works full time on sustainable development projects at IPI.
She recently graduated from Columbia SIPA with an MPA in Development Practice and has a prior MSc and BA in Economics.
Of Indian origin, she’s lived in England and Singapore, now making New York her home with her husband and rescue pup. She has 7 years of work experience as a project management professional in telecom tech implementation. Most recently at Vodafone, she worked in pre-sales and oversaw procuring competitive pricing on last-mile connectivity, working B2B. Before, she was an Associate Project Manager with SITA, implementing telecom technologies for aviation projects at international airports.
Her interests are around climate, universal connectivity, migration, and inter-generational equity.