Youssef Mahmoud talks about the UN’s upcoming Summit of the Future and its Pact as it relates to people and the planet,…
Staff Lauren McGowan
Lauren McGowan is a Policy Analyst for IPI. Lauren received her M.A. in Law and Diplomacy from The Fletcher School and was awarded the Alfred P. Rubin Prize for outstanding student of International Law. Her thesis analyzed the extent to which the Human Rights Council, the human rights Treaty Bodies, and OHCHR have incorporated conflict prevention tools into their work.
Prior to joining IPI, Lauren was the Conflict Prevention and Sustaining Peace Global Fellow at the United Nations University – Centre for Policy Research. Lauren also spent five years working for Amnesty International USA as a project manager. Lauren has held research positions with Nonviolence International and Conflict Dynamics International, interned with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and served as a program consultant for the Women’s March.
Lauren holds a B.A. in Political Science and a B.A. in Spanish from Rutgers University.