IPI organized the latest event in its SRSG Series, entitled “Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding” in Liberia. The event featured Mr. Alan Doss, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative (SRSG) for Liberia and Coordinator of UN Operations in Liberia. Mr. Doss spoke about current challenges to peacekeeping and peacebuilding in Liberia.
Mr. Doss has had a long and distinguished career with the United Nations. Before assuming the leadership of UNMIL, he served as Principal Deputy SRSG for Côte d’Ivoire. Prior to that appointment, Mr. Doss served as Deputy SRSG for Sierra Leone, while concurrently serving as United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Resident Representative, United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator. Earlier in his career, Mr. Doss held the positions of Director of the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) and Director of the UNDP European Office in Geneva. He also served as United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Regional Representative in Bangkok and Director of the United Nations Border Relief Operation, in charge of UN assistance to displaced Cambodians on the Thai-Cambodia border. Previous assignments included posts with the United Nations in China, Kenya, Niger, Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire), and Benin.
The meeting was chaired by Ambassador John Hirsch.