The Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Section of the UN Department of Peace Operations’ (DPO) Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI) and IPI cohosted a film screening of the documentary There Is Another Way followed by…
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In 2018 (continued…)
“Efforts to sustain peace must be locally-led, nationally owned, regionally anchored, and internationally supported,” said Yasuhisa Kawamura, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, at a June 12th IPI event. “It is indispensable to include all relevant actors in peacebuilding and sustaining peace.”His statement was a reflection of the shifting dialogue on the […]
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Two days after the Security Council Open Debate on the Protection of Civilians (POC) organized by Poland on May 22, 2018, an IPI policy forum took up the issue of the perceived and actual tensions between the pursuit of political solutions and the protection of civilians in peacekeeping contexts.Ralph Mamiya, a consultant and former Protection […]
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Counterterrorism measures are developed to ensure individual and collective security in response to terrorist attacks, but there is growing evidence that counterterrorism measures can infringe upon the protection of civilians by inhibiting the provision of assistance and protection. This tension was the subject of an IPI policy forum on May 23rd, entitled, “The Protection of […]
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A May 18th IPI policy forum co-sponsored by Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF), explored concrete ways to reinforce the emergency response capacity of the humanitarian sector in complex, acute crises and to ensure that humanitarian actors adequately act in both emergencies and more protracted crises.Moderator and IPI Vice President Adam Lupel referenced research from […]
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An evening discussion among peacebuilders was held at IPI, May 16, 2018, on women’s meaningful participation in negotiating peace and the implementation of peace agreements.The meeting, convened by UN Women and IPI, brought together internationally recognized peacebuilders, officials from the United Nations, diplomats, and representatives of civil society. The event was held as part of […]
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