Gender-sensitive approaches to disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) processes tend to focus on the exclusion of women as participants in DDR programs. There has been less attention to including women’s civil society organizations (CSOs) in…
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In 2005
The past dozen years have seen a proliferation of international efforts to strengthen national criminal justice systems in postconflict countries. Part of the burgeoning of discourses, policies, and programs
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Housing, land and property (HLP) policies should, as far as possible, be addressed in conjunction to ensure that residential and land rights are dealt with more comprehensively by domestic and international actors.
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From the summary report: Security sector reform (SSR) has emerged in recent years as a way of tackling security and development issues in conflict-torn and conflict-prone states.
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In recent years, the Security Council has adopted an increasing number of economic reconstruction measures aimed at contributing to the restoration of peace in war-torn territories. These measures have brought to light the limitations of the existing United Nations collective security system to deal with economic issues that concern international peace and security. As it […]
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From the Executive Summary: Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) has been a continual bone of contention, the object of three wars and a theater of engagement in a fourth war, between the two countries.
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