This issue brief outlines the development of the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States, explores the challenges and dilemmas the agreement raises, and examines prospects for its implementation, with a particular focus on the role of the United Nations.
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This meeting note captures the proceedings at a seminar on November 2, 2011 on “Transition Compacts: Lessons from UN Experiences.” The seminar sought to learn from previous agreements on peacebuilding and development priorities between national governments and international partners in fragile and conflict-affected states.
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This meeting note draws on the discussions held during the informal retreat of the UN Security Council in Istanbul, Turkey on June 25-26, 2010. The retreat was co-organized by the government of Turkey and the International Peace Institute.
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The International Peace Institute (IPI) has undertaken a project called Understanding Local Context, which aims to enhance our understanding of how international actors grapple with local context and political dynamics in partner countries.
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IPI’s twelfth annual New York Seminar, Improving the International Response to Armed Conflict and State Fragility, took place at the Tarrytown Estate, New York, on May 5-8, 2008.
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This paper examines the strengths and weaknesses of constitutional choices made after conflict, drawing upon comparative studies of six constitutions and peace agreements. The paper attempts to synthesize the practical lessons drawn from the cases, with a focus on (i) the constitution-making process; (ii) the extent of reliance on executive and geographical power-sharing; (iii) the […]
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Meeting report from the 2006 IPI Vienna Seminar.Download
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This report is a synthesis of the discussions that arose out of a conference jointly held by the International Peace Institute and the Lowy Institute for International Policy.
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