The Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Section of the UN Department of Peace Operations’ (DPO) Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI) and the International Peace Institute (IPI) are pleased to invite you to a film…
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In 2011
An international forum titled “Conflict Prevention and Preventive Diplomacy: What Works and What Doesn’t?” was held at IPI on December 15, 2011 and was attended by more than 50 participants from UN permanent missions, multilateral agencies, think tanks, and universities.This was the first meeting of the International Expert Forum (IEF), a joint collaboration between IPI, […]
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A recent roundtable discussion at IPI titled “Strengthening International Environmental Governance: Exploring System-Wide Responses” considered reform options for international environmental governance (IEG) in the context of the Belgrade Process, the Nairobi-Helsinki Outcome and the upcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) summit. The December 14th meeting, held by IPI and the Nordic Council of Ministers […]
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The International Peace Institute on December 12th held a policy forum focusing on the just-completed balloting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that brought a crowd of 120 people to IPI’s Trygve Lie Center. The meeting, which featured a three-person panel and was held under the Chatham House rule of non-attribution, dealt with the […]
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“We have to prevent hijacking of ships at all costs,” Mahadeo Makane, himself a victim of such an attack, told an IPI audience on November 18th.Mr. Makane, the former Master of the ship Marida Marguerite, spoke on the treatment by pirates of hostages, recounting his own horrific experience, when his ship was captured and he […]
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Speaking the evening before the largest protests in Tahrir Square since February were to occur, Ahmed Maher, Founder and General Coordinator of the Egyptian April 6th Youth Movement, praised the Egyptian revolution but warned against exaggerating the degree of change it has achieved.
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