Since seizing power in a coup on February 1, 2021, Myanmar’s military has launched a violent crackdown against anti-coup protesters—a campaign of terror that may amount to crimes against humanity. With violence spreading, there are fears that the country is slipping toward full-scale civil war and state collapse. The international community has appeared almost powerless […]
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One of the main threats to the current world order is the erosion of the rule-of-law based international system. Due to the advent of new technologies and hybrid warfare, the laws of war have also become blurred. A major cause of both of these trends is the emergence of armed non-state actors. This meeting note […]
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A high-level panel took up the subject of preventing mass atrocities and how the United Nations Security Council can do better at the International Peace Institute on September 26th 2015, during the week marking the opening of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly.The expert panel focused in on assessment of proposals to prevent […]
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In the late 1990s and early 2000s the rise of globalization and an evolving human rights regime inspired a proliferation of work dedicated to cosmopolitan theory. Attention to the concept of cosmopolitanism never completely waned, but the muscular foreign policy of the Bush years and the re-emergence of assertive nation states such as China led […]
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Nations and states seldom overlap. As a result, map lines delineating statehood can become blurred by bloodlines of nationhood. People sharing the same ethnicity may live on different sides of the border: some in the “motherland,” where they are a majority, and others in a neighboring state where they are a minority. What happens when […]
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Two UN ambassadors and one former Security Council president held a vigorous debate at IPI on the subject “Responsibility to Protect: An Emerging Principle”, and, while they agreed on RtoP’s value as a principle, they differed markedly over how it is being applied in current crises, particularly in the ongoing conflict in Libya.The June 28th […]
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Edward C. Luck, IPI’s Vice President for Research and Programs and a Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General, discussed the military intervention in Libya and how it represented an invocation of the Responsibility to Protect principle in an interview with Andreas Ross, the Political Editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
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The International Peace Institute (IPI) and the Diplomatic Academy Vienna have put together the first comprehensive analysis of the role of the UN Security Council in the ongoing process of implementing the responsibility to protect (RtoP).
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Asked on Al Jazeera on February 23rd if crimes against humanity were being committed in Libya, Dr. Edward C. Luck, IPI Senior Vice President for Research and Programs, said that though “we don’t have direct access, there is certainly good reason to believe” they were.
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